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How do I create a signature stamp?

First you need to upload your signature to your Vistaprint account:

  • Scan your signature and save it to your computer.
  • Take a picture of your signature using your smartphone, email it to yourself, then log in to your email on a computer and save the attachment to your desktop.

Note: Be sure your upload is in an allowed format.


Next, access the Signature Stamps page.

  1. Click Upload Design.
  2. Click Upload Your Design on the canvas.
  3. Click Upload logo or image and navigate to the picture of your saved signature.
  4. Click the image of your signature.
  5. On the pop up that appears, use the slider to the adjust the image contrast if needed.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Click the image of your signature and click Crop from the image toolbar.
  8. Use the white lines to crop the edges close to your signature. Be sure you don't cut off any parts of your signature!
    Note: The crop box proportions are locked by default; toggle off the lock aspect ratio to adjust the crop proportions freely.
  9. Click Confirm.
  10. Drag to adjust your signature as necessary to centre it.